The easiest way to get to Pippu Ski Resort from Asahikawa is to take the Dohoku Bus from Asahikawa Station direct to Pippu Ski Resort. Between December 1st and March 31st there are 5 departures a day (extra departures represented with a black dot) and for the rest of the year there are 3 departures a day, so plan ahead. If your schedule does not match the Dohoku Bus Schedule your next best option for public transport would be to take a train to Ranru Station, Pippu Ski Resort and Anya Pippu Cottage are about a 25 minute walk from there. Asahikawa Station has some excellent shopping options in the attached Aeon Mall. There is a huge supermarket as well some shops selling local and organic products, and Jupiter is one of my favorite shops for buying imported products like spices, teas, coffee, canned (and tetra pack) beans, chocolate, and so much more! So if you are coming to stay a while we recommend doing some shopping here.
How to get to Pippu Ski Resort from Asahikawa

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